Cooperation with the Law Firm and services for entrepreneurs


We prepare documents concerning changes in companies, such as change of shareholders, amendment of articles of association or articles of incorporation, increase of share capital. We provide services related to the preparation of entities for the Shareholders' Meeting or General Assembly. We include in the draft agenda of the meetings all the necessary resolutions in accordance with the client's intention and the requirements for filing financial statements. Our legal assistance also involves the submission of documents to the repository of finance documents.


Legal services for companies in transformations and liquidation


Finally, we guide entrepreneurs through the process of transforming their business into another legal form and through the process of liquidation. Thus, our legal support starts from the beginning until the end of the existence of a given business.

We hope that we have briefly explained what legal services for entrepreneurs consist of and how our Law Firm can support your business model.


If you are interested in professional legal services, then feel free to contact us by email:

In legal services for entrepreneurs we have a very rich experience. We know how important trust is when running a business, as well as the ability to be in constant contact on important matters. We provide efficient service at the highest level.


attorney -at-law             attorney-at-law

Ewelina Jasion                  Ilona Pytlak

Legal services for entrepreneurs in Poland

As a Law Firm, we provide legal services to entrepreneurs in many fields and have extensive experience in this area. We know how important it is to provide efficient legal services to companies and the trust that an entrepreneur should cooperate with his lawyer. We deal with  single orders, but also offer permanent legal services.

Legal services for entrepreneurs in the registration of entrepreneurs in the National Court Register

We have extensive experience in the registration of partnerships and companies. We start the process by listening to the client's assumptions and business idea. Subsequently, we prepare the articles of association and the entire package of documents required by the National Court Register. If required, we contact and arrange a meeting with a notary public. The final stage is to submit an application to the National Court Register for registration of the company. As lawyers, we are fully authorized to represent clients before the National Court Register. Our Law Firm also assists in the registration of companies in the s24 system and the filing of real beneficiaries.


Ongoing legal services of a lawyer for running a business


We know that running a business involves a number of issues related to the enterprise. We prepare for entrepreneurs the relevant internal acts, forms, regulations, including whole packages of documents on personal data protection (GDPR). As part of our service, we analyze, draft and review commercial contracts to best protect the interests of our clients in their dealings with contractors. We also offer comprehensive advice on the current affairs of the company, provide opinions, as well as conduct litigation cases, e.g. for payment.





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Kancelaria Radcy Prawnego Ewelina Jasion

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53-447 Wrocław


+48 721 555 826